Radiofrequency Microneedling (RF Microneedling) is a break-through technology that delivers energy below the skin’s surface, protecting the top layer of skin from risk of pigment changes.

It protects skin from risk of pigment changes while repairing and restoring the collagen layer below, filling in gaps and repairing irregular scar tissues in the skin’s structural support layers. This precise delivery of energy below the skin’s surface allows us to reduce risk of pigmentation, even in tan, olive, and dark skin tones which may be more prone to developing hyperpigmentation (dark or red spots) and hypopigmentation (white spots) with other treatments.

RF MN can be used for acne scar , chickenpox scar or any other scar ,stretch mark treatment and face rejuvenation
it can be combined with PRP to get maximum results.

Post procedure mild redness and swelling which lasts for 1 or 2 days.

RF MN performed after applying topical anaesthetic cream  one hour before procedure.
RF MN sessions repeated every month for 3 or 4 sessions.
RF MN results are noticed after one month and continue giving results even up to 6 months of last session.